Plugin to Automatically Deselect the ‘Uncategorized’ WordPress Category
Although WordPress 3.3.2+ doesn’t select the “Uncategorized” category (or whatever your “default category” is, if you modified it) when you create a new post, if you save the post without any categories “Uncategorized” is automatically added.
Then, when you (or another editor) comes and selects the appropriate category “Uncategorized” is not automatically deselected (unchecked), and unfortunately “Uncategorized” often appears “below-the-fold”, which means there are countless posts with both their appropriate categories and uncategorized!
“The challenge with the WordPress default category is that authors will frequently draft their articles and choose the appropriate category at the end of the process. All too often, they forget to uncheck the default category, so you have lots of mis-categorized, or double-categorized posts. In fact, you can see thousands of WordPress sites out there that have everything categorized under ‘Uncategorized’, the default setting in WordPress.” - GeekWire, 2015
So, If you want to ensure posts are automatically removed from the your “default category” (e.g. “Uncategorized”) when you (or another editor) select the appropriate category check out the WordPress Plugin I made: Auto-Deselect Uncategorized ( — it works great with the Gutenberg (block) editor!
Try it out and let me know what you think 🙂