Unique Remote & Local Volume Paths on Docker Machine Containers

With a few lines of code you’ll be managing your files and directories across remote docker-machine hosts and your local machine in no time.

Gifford Nowland
3 min readSep 11, 2020

The Problem

Using docker-machine to manage my remote Docker deployments, I was frustrated to find out that volume mount paths in docker-compose.yml are mounted verbatim on the remote host. For example, with a docker-compose.yml such as this:

# docker-compose.yml
- ./local/dir:/path/in/container

The docker-compose command will convert the relative ./local/dir path to its absolute state:/Users/myusername/path/to/project/local/dir and mirror it on the remote server (although it doesn’t populate the files — more on that later). This results in the server containing a /Users/myusername/path/to/project/local/dir path which is not only unsightly, it means that every developer that pushes new container changes will be writing to a different directory on the remote host — which is no bueno indeed!

The Solution

Since I was already using a Makefile to manage my lifecycle this one was pretty easy.

I) In the docker-config.yml change ./local to ${BASE_PATH} :

# docker-compose.yml
- ${BASE_PATH}/dir:/path/in/container

II) In the .env file set LOCAL_PATH and REMOTE_PATH variables, e.g.

# .env
  • You can set LOCAL_PATH and REMOTE_PATH to whatever works for you.
  • I already had the SSH_USER variable set for docker-machine purposes, but you could manually set the remote username if you prefer.

III) In the Makefile set the path depending on if DOCKER_HOST is set or not (it’s set when thedocker-machine has been created via docker-machine create ... and the local environment has been set via eval $(docker-machine env projectname)

# Makefile

… and there you have it! make commands will now use the correct directories!

Syncing Files

So the paths are working but there aren’t any files you say? docker-machine scp to the rescue!

I created this simple “sync” command in the Makefile:

# Makefile
docker-machine scp -d -r $(LOCAL_PATH)/ $(SSH_USER)@$(PROJECT_NAME):$(REMOTE_PATH)
  • -d instructs docker-mahcine to transfer file “deltas” (changed files) instead of all files (uses rsync)
  • -r syncs directories recursively

I also had the PROJECT_NAME path defined in my .env, but you could specify it manually, or maybe you’re using COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME … whatever works!

Putting It Together

In the Makefile my up command therefore looks like:

# Makefile
$(if $(DOCKER_HOST), make sync,)
@echo "Starting up containers for $(PROJECT_NAME)..."
docker-compose pull
docker-compose up -d --build --remove-orphans

Which copies the files to the server if we’re targeting a remote server (again using $(DOCKER_HOST to see if we’re targeting a remote or not) and then brings up our Docker Containers which now have bind-mounts in a more logical place (in the user’s home directory, in my case).

“Sending it up to the cloud”


Give mea a shout if you have any suggestions or need clarification on any of it.

Obviously this would all be a lot easier if Docker allowed mounting subdirectories of named volumes (a 4+ year-old feature request!) because then we could just do:

# docker-compose.yml
- volumename/dir:/path/in/container
type: none
device: $PWD
o: bind

Of course there’s always the “multiple compose files” way (where you create a docker-compse.yml, docker-compose.override.yml, and any number of other docker-compose.environmentname.yml files, and load them during container initialization by passing the "files” option with a filename, e.g. docker-compose up -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.production.yml, in which volume paths can be overridden, but for this use case I thought it was pretty redundant to redeclare all volumes, I prefer to have everything built from the variables in my .env file to keep it simple and easy to manage later on.

I think this works pretty darn well, what do you think? Let me know in the comments if there’s an alternative way or room for improvement.




Gifford Nowland
Gifford Nowland

Written by Gifford Nowland

Programmer. Engineering Section Manager @ The Aerospace Corporation. If I can’t find a solution, I write one.

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